Insurance Coverage
Private Patients
Private insurance providers in Germany cover nearly all costs. You usually have five probational sessions and we then request reimbursement for further therapy together.
International insurers may pay for the therapy.
Either way, please check your insurance plan and call your insurance.
If you do not wish to have your treatment on record, if your statutory health insurance does not cover the costs or if you prefer to pay therapy yourself for another reason, this is possible. The prices are the same as for private patients and are detailed below.
Reimbursement with Statutory Insurance
There is a process called "Kostenerstattung" by which you can apply for reimbursement from your statutory health insurance company. Learn more.
As a licensed private practitioner, my fees are derived from the German Gebührenordnung für Psychotherapeuten (GOP/GOÄ).
The following are some of the commonly used services during psychotherapy:
psychotherapeutic/probational session 50min: No 870
biographical anamnesis: No 860
comprehensive report: Ziffer 808
Tests and Questionnaires: Ziffer 857
Reports and Attestations: No 70, 75, 80
asynchronous or phone contact: Ziffer 1
The exact amounts are calculated using the increase factors and are dependent on the case. We will discuss them in the beginning.

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+49 176 27430604